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Results (122 cards)

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Aeropica - Level 3

Creature - Trench Hunter - 1000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Aqua Rider - Level 4

Creature - Aquan - 2000 Power

Remount - If this creature would be banished, return it to your hand instead.

Aqua Strider - Level 2

Creature - Enforcer/Aquan - 4000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Aqua-Ranger Commander - Level 5

Evolution Creature - Aquan - 7000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Aquans.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Tactical Expert - This creature can't be blocked.

Arachnoir of Cobweb Cavern - Level 4

Creature - Brain Jacker - 2000 Power

Venomous Sting - Whenever this creature attacks, target enemy creature gets -1000 power until the end of the turn. (A creature that has power 0 or less is banished.)

Assault Dragon - Level 5

Creature - Armored Dragon - 6000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Enraged - This creature attacks each turn if able.

Azuri, the Dawnbreaker - Level 7

Evolution Creature - Skyforce Champion - 11000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Skyforce Champions.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Sunstorm - When this creature enters the battle zone, tap all enemy creatures.

Baron Burnfingers - Level 2

Creature - Chimera/Berserker - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Play with Fire - When this creature is banished, choose one of your shields. This creature breaks that shield.

Beliqua the Ascender - Level 4

Creature - Invader - 3500 Power

Gravity Boom - Whenever this creature attacks, tap target enemy creature that is level 3 or less. (First choose what this creature is attacking. Then tap the target creature.)

Blade Seer - Level 6

Creature - Storm Patrol/Beast Kin - 4000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Timeslice - When this creature enters the battle zone, look at the top 3 cards of your deck. You may reveal a creature and/or a spell from among them and put the revealed cards into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

Blade-Rush Wyvern - Level 5

Creature - Attack Raptor - 2000 Power

Swift Slash - When this creature enters the battle zone, banish target enemy creature that has "Blocker".

Blastforge Bruiser - Level 3

Creature - Drakon - 2000 Power

Plasma Blast - When this creature enters the battle zone, banish target enemy creature that has power 1000 or less.

Cave Gulper - Level 3

Creature - Rot Worm - 2000 Power

Leftovers - When this creature is banished, you may draw a card.

Chaotic Skyterror - Level 3

Creature - Attack Raptor - 2000 Power

Bunker Buster - Whenever this creature battles a creature that has "Blocker", this creature gets +2000 power.

Chasmblaze Quartz - Level 4

Creature - Spirit Quartz - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Onyx Shadow - Each of your other Darkness creatures gets +1000 power.

Ruby Glow - Each of your other Fire creatures gets +1000 power.

Chief Thorn-Bringer - Level 4

Creature - Spirit Totem - 4000 Power

Seeds of Victory - Whenever one of your creatures win a battle, you may put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

Cindermoss Quartz - Level 4

Creature - Spirit Quartz - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Ruby Glow - Each of your other Fire creatures gets +1000 power.

Jade Luster - Each of your other Nature creatures gets +1000 power.

Citadel Magistrate - Level 7

Creature - Skyforce Champion - 10500 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Citadel Steward - Level 4

Creature - Fractal - 3000 Power

De-Archive - When this creature is banished, choose a spell in your discard pile and return it to your hand.

Containment Field - Level 4


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Tap a number of target enemy creatures equal to the number of creatures you have in the battle zone.

Crusader Engine - Level 8

Creature - Battle Sphere/Undertow Engine - 6000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unblinking - At the end of each of your turns, untap this creature.

Unstoppable - If this creature would be banished, return it to your hand instead.

Cryptic Worm - Level 4

Creature - Cyber Virus/Rot Worm - 5000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Cyber Cyclones - Level 4


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Choose one of your creatures in the battle zone and return it to your hand. Then your opponent chooses one of his or her creatures in the battle zone. Return that creature to your opponent's hand.

Cyber Lord Corile - Level 3

Creature - Cyber Lord - 2000 Power

Shield Tactics - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may choose one of your shields and put it into your hand. If you do, put a card from your hand into your shield zone down as as new shield.

Cybergrid Bandit - Level 2

Creature - Cyber Lord - 1000 Power

Dawnflower Quartz - Level 4

Creature - Spirit Quartz - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Opal Aura - Each of your other Light creatures gets +1000 power.

Jade Luster - Each of your other Nature creatures gets +1000 power.

Death Liger, Apex Predator - Level 7

Creature - Shadow Champion - 8000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Sense Weakness - Whenever this creature attacks your opponent and isn't blocked, banish target enemy creature that is level 6 or less.

Deepwood Druid - Level 5

Creature - Beast Kin - 2000 Power

Nurturing Touch - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

Dreadhusk - Level 4

Creature - Chimera - 3000 Power

Drill Storm - Level 5


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Banish target enemy creature that has power 3000 or less.

Banish all enemy creatures that have power 1000 or less.

Elevan the Seeker - Level 5

Creature - Enforcer/Cyber Lord - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Stun - When this creature enters the battle zone, tap target enemy creature.

Pathfind - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your other creatures. It can't be blocked this turn.

Ember-Eye - Level 4

Creature - Attack Raptor - 2000 Power

Assault Transport - When this creature is tapped, all your other creatures have "Powerful Attack +2000". (A creature that has "Powerful Attack +2000" gets +2000 power while attacking.)

Fanged Horror - Level 2

Creature - Rot Worm - 5000 Power

Ravenous Hunger - When this creature attacks, banish it at the end of the attack.

Featherfin Stalker - Level 4

Creature - Trench Hunter/Tarborg - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Slayer (When this creature loses a battle, banish the other creature.)

Secrets Slicer - Whenever this creature attacks, you may draw a card.

Fight! - Level 4


(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Chooses one of your creatures. It battles target enemy creature.

Flame Spinner - Level 2

Creature - Drakon - 1000 Power

Frenetic - When this creature enters the battle zone, if you have a creature in the battle zone that has "Fast Attack", this creature gets "Fast Attack" until the end of the turn.

Freakish Test Subject - Level 3

Creature - Cyber Lord/Chimera - 1000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Slayer (When this creature loses a battle, banish the other creature.)

Warped Reality - This creature can't be blocked.

Fullmetal Lemon - Level 3

Creature - Enforcer/Wild Veggie - 3500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Juiced - If this creature would be banished, put it into your mana zone instead.

Galzak of Shadow Pass - Level 7

Creature - Shadow Champion/Armored Dragon - 6000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Vampiric Bite - Whenever this creature attacks, target enemy creature gets -3000 power until the end of the turn and this creature gets +3000 power until the end of the turn. (A creature that has power 0 or less is banished)

General Finbarr - Level 6

Creature - Cyber Lord - 4000 Power

Finbarr's Hoverhex - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may return target creature from the battle zone to its owner's hand.

Finbarr's Command - Whenever one of your other creatures attacks, you may draw a card

General Skycrusher - Level 7

Creature - Armored Dragon - 8000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Skycrusher's Saber - When this creature enters the battle zone, banish target enemy creature that has power 3000 or less.

Skycrusher's Command - Whenever one of your other creatures attacks, it gets "Powerful Attack +3000" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has "Powerful Attack +3000" gets +3000 power while attacking.)

Glu-urrgle 2.0 - Level 4

Evolution Creature - Cyber Lord - 5000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Cyber Lords.

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Gaggle of Gargles - When this creature enters the battle zone, look at the top 4 cards of your deck. You may reveal any number of creatures from among them that have "Glu-urrgle" in their names to your hand and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

Gorim the Striker - Level 5

Creature - Drakon/Beast Kin - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Battle Order - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your other creatures. It can attack untapped creatures this turn as though they were tapped.

Empower - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your other creatures. It gets +3000 power until the end of the turn.

Gregoria the Malevolent - Level 6

Creature - Dark Lord - 4000 Power

Subvert - When this creature enters the battle zone, each player reveals his or her hand and discards all spells.

Gregoria's Fortress - Level 8

Creature - Chimera - 8000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Dark Lord's Revenge - Whenever this creature or one of your other creatures is banished, your opponent chooses one of his or her creatures in the battle zone. Banish that creature.

Grip of Despair - Level 5


(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Return target creature from the battle zone to its owner's hand. Then that player chooses and discards a card

Guardian Akhal-Teek - Level 9

Creature - Skyforce Champion/Beast Kin - 11500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Righteous Frenzy - Whenever this creature wins a battle, choose 2 of your opponent's shields. This creature breaks those shields.

Halo Hawk - Level 2

Creature - Storm Patrol - 2000 Power

Haunted Mech - Level 4

Creature - Specter/Stomper - 5000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Hazard Crawler - Level 7

Creature - Earth Eater - 4000 Power

Burrow - This creature can't be attacked or blocked.

Humonculon the Blaster - Level 5

Creature - Enforcer/Megabug - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Stun - When this creature enters the battle zone, tap target enemy creature.

Empower - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your other creatures. It gets +3000 power until the end of the turn.

Infernus the Immolator - Level 11

Creature - Monarch/Armored Dragon - 17000 Power

Triple Breaker (This creature breaks 3 shields.)

Inferno Breath - When this creature enters the battle zone, banish any number of target enemy creatures that have total power 8000 or less.

Volcanic Temper - Whenever this creature becomes the target of one of your opponent's spells or abilities, choose 3 of your opponents shields. This creature breaks those shields.

Fire Monarch - Each of your other Fire creatures gets +4000 power.

Ironvine Dragon - Level 8

Creature - Earthstrike Dragon - 8000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Coiling Crush - While battling, this creature gets +8000 power.

Jackalax - Level 2

Creature - Beast Kin - 4000 Power

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Jump Jets - Level 1


Choose one of your creatures. It gets "Fast Attack" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has "Fast Attack" can attack on the turn it enters the battle zone.)

Kaboom! - Level 7


Banish target enemy creature that has power 6000 or less.

Keeper of Laws - Level 4

Creature - Storm Patrol - 3500 Power

Deflecting Aura - While you have another creature in the battle zone, this creature can't be the target of your opponent's spells and abilities.

Spell Siphon - Whenever your opponent casts a spell, you may draw a card.

King Poseidon - Level 8

Creature - Leviathan - 11000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Overwhelming Current - Whenever one of your other creatures loses a battle, return the winning creature to its owner’s hand.

King Tritonus - Level 10

Creature - Monarch/Leviathan - 15000 Power

Triple Breaker (This creature breaks 3 shields.)

Towering Intellect - When this creature enters the battle zone, draw up to 5 cards.

Constrict - Whenever you cast a spell, target enemy creature can't attack or block until the start of your next turn.

Water Monarch - Each of your other Water creatures gets +4000 power.

Kronax the Brutal - Level 5

Creature - Rot Worm/Drakon - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Envenom - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your other creatures. It gets "Slayer" until the end of the turn. (When a creature that has "Slayer" loses a battle, banish the other creature.)

Battle Order - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your other creatures. It can attack untapped creatures this turn as though they were tapped.

Lars, Virtuous Imager - Level 5

Creature - Invader - 4000 Power

Helioglyph - Whenever you cast a spell, this creature gains +2000 power and "Double Breaker" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has "Double Breaker" breaks 2 shields.)

Lizard-Skin Puppet - Level 2

Creature - Evil Toy/Dune Gecko - 1000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Slayer (When this creature loses a battle, banish the other creature.)

Puppet Strings - This creature attacks each turn if able.

Lotus Warrior - Level 5

Creature - Stomper/Wild Veggie - 5000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Skewer - While battling a creature that has "Blocker", this creature gets +3000 power.

Recycle - If this creature would be banished, put it into your mana zone instead.

Lumbering Elderwood - Level 7

Creature - Tree Kin - 7000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Magma Dragon Melgars - Level 8

Creature - Armored Dragon - 11000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Lava Breath - Whenever this creature attacks, banish target enemy creature that has power 3000 or less, then banish target enemy creature that has power 2000 or less, then banish target enemy creature that has power 1000 or less.

Mana Tick - Level 3

Creature - Megabug - 1000 Power

Bug Buddy - When this creature enters the battle zone, look at the top 4 cards of your deck. You may reveal a Megabug from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

Mark of Infernus - Level 9


Choose one:

  • Put a creature named Infernus the Immolator from your hand into the battle zone.
  • Banish any number of target enemy creatures that have total power 5000 or less.

Mark of Tritonus - Level 8


Choose one:

  • Put a creature named King Tritonus from your hand into the battle zone.
  • Draw 3 cards.

Memory Keeper - Level 2

Creature - Storm Patrol/Cyber Virus - 2500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Mesmerize - Level 3


Your opponent reveals his or her hand. Choose a card from your opponent's hand and discard it.

Noble Rumbling Terrasaur - Level 7

Evolution Creature - Tusker - 8000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Tuskers.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Stampede - Whenever this creature or one of your other Tuskers enters the battle zone, put target enemy creature that is lower level that that Tusker from the battle zone into your opponent's mana zone.

Oathsworn Call - Level 5


(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Put a non-evolution creature that is level 6 or less from your hand into the battle zone. It gets "Blocker" until the start of your next turn. (You may tap a creature that has "Blocker" to change an enemy creature's attack to it.)

Oozing Lavasaur - Level 3

Creature - Tarborg/Rock Brute - 2000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Powerful Attack +2000 (While attacking, this creature gets +2000 power.)

Splattermelt - When this creature is banished, your opponent chooses and discards a card.

Panopter - Level 5

Creature - Battle Sphere - 4500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Spy Network - Whenever one of your other creatures that has "Blocker" enters the battle zone, you may draw a card.

Piercing Judgment - Level 4


(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Return target creature from the battle zone to its owner's hand.

Tap target enemy creature.

Queen Sargasso - Level 5

Creature - Leviathan - 4000 Power

Paranoia - Whenever this creature attacks, look at the top card of your opponent's deck.

Rain-Cloud Kraken - Level 2

Creature - Enforcer - 3000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Ramis the Cloaked - Level 5

Creature - Cyber Lord/Shadow Champion - 5000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Delete Memory - Whenever this creature blocks, your opponent chooses and discards a card.

Redscale Drakon - Level 5

Creature - Drakon - 2000 Power

Fast Attack (This creature can attack on the turn it enters the battle zone.)

Powerful Attack +2000 (While attacking, this creature gets +2000 power.)

Reef Scout - Level 4

Creature - Aquan - 2000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Subsea Recon - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may draw a card

Reinforce - Level 5


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. You may reveal any number of creatures from among them and put those creatures into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

Rodi Gale, Night Guardian - Level 2

Evolution Creature - Enforcer - 4500 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Enforcers.

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Saber Mantis - Level 3

Creature - Megabug - 3000 Power

Sasha the Observer - Level 5

Creature - Angel Command - 4500 Power

Observe and Report - Whenever a creature attacks you and isn't blocked, you may draw a card.

Hologram - If this creature would be banished, you may discard a creature instead.

Scaled Impaler - Level 2

Evolution Creature - Drakon - 4000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Drakons.

Horned Armor - This creature can't be attacked.

Seacurse Quartz - Level 4

Creature - Spirit Quartz - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Sapphire Shine - Each of your other Water creatures gets +1000 power.

Onyx Shadow - Each of your other Darkness creatures gets +1000 power.

Shadeblaze the Corruptor - Level 8

Creature - Terror Dragon/Armored Dragon - 11000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Wither - When this creature enters the battle zone, target enemy creature gets -2000 power until the end of the turn. (A creature that has power 0 o less is banished.)

Provoke - Whenever another creature is banished, all your creatures get "Fast Attack" until the end of the turn.

Shaman Broccoli - Level 4

Creature - Wild Veggie - 2000 Power

Mixed Veggies - Whenever one of your other creatures enters the battle zone, this creature gets +3000 power until the end of the turn.

Shapeshifter Scaradorable - Level 3

Evolution Creature - Chimera - 5000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your creatures.

Loyal Friend - When this creature is banished, return this card from your discard pile to your hand.

Doppelganger - This creature can be evolved on as though it had all creature types, card names, and civilizations.

Shardhide Tusker - Level 4

Creature - Tusker - 3000 Power

Powerful Attack +2000 (While attacking, this creature gets +2000 power.)

Shimmerwing - Level 2

Creature - Enforcer - 1000 Power

Flashbang - When this creature is banished, tap target enemy creature.

Silver Axe - Level 5

Creature - Beast Kin - 5000 Power

Skarvos the Assassin - Level 5

Creature - Aquan/Chimera - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Pathfind - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your other creatures. It can't be blocked this turn.

Envenom - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your other creatures. It gets "Slayer" until the end of the turn. (When a creature that has "Slayer" loses a battle, banish the other creature.)

Skeleton Soldier - Level 1

Creature - Zombie - 2000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Brittle Bones - Whenever this creature wins a battle, banish it.

Slumbering Titan - Level 6

Creature - Colossus - 6000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Wake the Mountain - If an opponent's spell or ability would cause you to discard this creature, you may put it into the battle zone instead.

Smolderhorn - Level 3

Creature - Rock Brute/Tusker - 4000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Fast Attack (This creature can attack on the turn it enters the battle zone.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Soul Schism - Level 4


Target enemy creature gets -4000 power until the end of the turn. (A creature that has power 0 or less is banished.)

Soul Vortex - Level 5


(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Banish target enemy creature that has power 3000 or less.

Choose a creature in your discard pile that is level 4 or less and return it to your hand.

Spectral Mummy - Level 5

Creature - Specter - 4000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Unravel - When this creature attacks, banish it at the end of the attack.

Spelljacker - Level 8

Creature - Aquan/Specter - 4000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Memory Probe - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may choose a spell in your opponent's discard pile and cast it for free. (Return that spell to your opponent's discard pile after you cast it.)

Spire Zealot - Level 3

Creature - Mecha Thunder - 3000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Spur to Action - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your other creatures that has "Skirmisher." It can attack this turn as though it didn't have that ability.

Spore Siren - Level 4

Creature - Tree Kin - 3000 Power

Song of Regrowth - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose a creature in your discard pile and put it into your mana zone.

Squillace Scourge - Level 9

Creature - Leviathan/Chimera - 8000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Mindcrush - When this creature enters the battle zone, each player discards his or her hand.

Tempest of Tentacles - When this creature enters the battle zone, your opponent can't attack or block with creatures until the start of your next turn.

Starseed Squadron - Level 4

Creature - Enforcer/Tree Kin - 4000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Spellcharge - Whenever you cast a spell, each of your creatures gets +2000 power until the end of the turn.

Overpower - Each of your creatures that has power 6000 or more has "Double Breaker." (A creature that has "Double Breaker" breaks 2 shields.)

Steamtank Kryon - Level 5

Creature - Stomper/Megabug - 4000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Turbo Boost - Whenever one of your other creatures enters the battle zone, it gets +2000 power and "Fast Attack" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has "Fast Attack" can attack on the turn it enters the battle zone.)

Suffocate - Level 7


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Each enemy creature gets -2000 power until the end of the turn. (A creature that power 0 or less is banished.)

Suncloak Protector - Level 7

Creature - Skyforce Champion/Colossus - 7500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Heroic Challenge - While this creature is tapped, your opponent can't choose to attack your other creatures.

Sunspout Quartz - Level 4

Creature - Spirit Quartz - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Opal Aura - Each of your other Light creatures gets +1000 power.

Sapphire Shine - Each of your other Water creatures gets +1000 power.

Sword Horned - Level 3

Creature - Enforcer/Beast Kin - 5500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Tatsurion the Champion - Level 6

Creature - Armored Dragon/Beast Kin - 6000 Power

(This card enters you mana zone tapped.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Stand and Fight - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may put the top card of your deck into your mana zone. If you do and it's a Fire card, this creature gets +2000 power and "Fast Attack" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has "Fast Attack" can attack on the turn it enters the battle zone.)

Tatsurion the Relentless - Level 9

Evolution Creature - Armored Dragon/Beast Kin - 13000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Evolution - Put on one of your creatures that has "Tatsurion" in its name.

Triple Breaker (This creature breaks 3 shields.)

Weapons Blazing - When this creature wins a battle against a creature that has power 5000 or less, untap this creature and choose one of your opponent's shields. This creature breaks that shield.

Tenuous Trove - Level 3


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Draw 2 cards, then discard a card.

The Hive Queen - Level 6

Evolution Creature - Megabug - 8000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Megabugs.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Stir the Hive - Whenever this creature attacks, look at the top 3 cards of your deck. You may put a non-evolution creature that is level 5 or less from among them into the battle zone. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

Thunder Grub - Level 5

Evolution Creature - Rot Worm - 7000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Rot Worms.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Doom Bellow - When this creature enters the battle zone, your opponent chooses and discards a card.

Thunder Reaper - Level 4

Creature - Mecha Thunder - 4000 Power

Time Rime - Level 3


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Target enemy creature can't attack or block until the start of your next turn.

Toolbot - Level 2

Creature - Stomper - 2000 Power

Toxic Fog - Level 3


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Each enemy creature gets -1000 power until the end of the turn. (A creature that has power 0 or less is banished.)

Truthseeker Forion - Level 7

Creature - Skyforce Champion/Cyber Lord - 6000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Spellsword - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may cast a spell that has "Shield Blast" from your hand for free.

Wave Lancer - Level 5

Creature - Skyforce Champion/Leviathan - 5500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Remount - If this creature would be banished, return it to your hand instead.

Weaponized Razorcat - Level 2

Creature - Stomper/Beast Kin - 4000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Zone Defense - Level 4


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

All your creatures get " Blocker" until the start of your next turn. (You may tap a creature that has "Blocker" to change an enemy creature's attack to it.)