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Allure - Level 2


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Choose one of your creatures. Until the start of your next turn, each time one of your opponent's creatures attacks, it attacks that creature if able.

Amberhorn - Level 3

Creature - Tusker - 3000 Power

Anjak, the All-Kin - Level 5

Evolution Creature - Beast Kin - 8000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Nature creatures.

Double Breaker

One with Nature - If this creature would be banished, put it into your mana zone instead.

Essence Cycle - When this creature is put from the battle zone into your mana zone, you may put a non-evolution creature that is level 5 or less from your mana zone into the battle zone.

Aqua Initiate - Level 1

Creature - Aquan - 2000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Aqua Inquisitor - Level 5

Evolution Creature - Aquan - 6000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Water creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Draw a card. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Aqua Scout - Level 5

Creature - Aquan - 4000 Power

Phase Beacon - Whenever this creature attacks, choose one of your other creatures. It can't be blocked this turn.

Ardu Ranger - Level 3

Creature - Beast Kin - 1000 Power

Powerful Attack +2000 (While attacking, this creature gets +2000 power.)

Mana Infused - If this creature would be banished, put it in your mana zone instead.

Ardu Totem - Level 5

Creature - Spirit Totem - 5000 Power

Attic Reaper - Level 3

Evolution Creature - Dread Mask - 4000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Darkness creatures.

Unleash - Target enemy creature gets -2000 power until the end of the turn. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Baleful Drummer - Level 2

Creature - Evil Toy - 4000 Power

Vexing Cadence - Whenever this creature attacks, you discard a card.

Barbed Crusher - Level 5

Evolution Creature - Megabug - 7000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Nature creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Battlebred Defender - Level 3

Creature - Enforcer/Beast Kin - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Evo Augment - Each of your evolution creatures has "Powerful Attack +4000" and breaks an additional shield. (A creature that has "Powerful Attack +4000" gets +4000 power while attacking.)

Battlesworn Seer - Level 3

Evolution Creature - Skyforce Champion - 5000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Light creatures.

Enlightened - When this creature enters the battle zone, look at the top 4 cards of your deck. You may reveal a spell from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

Beastlord Rulchor - Level 6

Evolution Creature - Beast Kin - 9000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Nature creatures.

Double Breaker

Unleash - Look at the top 5 cards of your deck. You may put a non-evolution creature that is level 3 or less from among them into the battle zone, and you may reveal an evolution creature from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Blastforge Sweeper - Level 4

Creature - Stomper - 1000 Power

Smelt - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may discard a card. If you do, draw 2 cards.

Blinder Beetle - Level 3

Creature - Enforcer - 1000 Power

Strobe Pulse - When this creature enters the battle zone, tap target enemy creature.

Bloodbound Dragon - Level 6

Creature - Armored Dragon - 6000 Power

Protector (You may tap this creature to change an attack on one of your other creatures to this creature.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Boulderfist the Pulverizer - Level 8

Evolution Creature - Colossus - 13000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Nature creatures.

Triple Breaker

Unleash - Put each enemy creature that has power less than or equal to the card used to unleash this creature from the battle zone into your opponent's mana zone. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Bronze-Arm Gladiator - Level 6

Evolution Creature - Beast Kin - 6000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Nature creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Ready to Rumble - During your opponent's turn, this creature gets +4000 power.

Bronze-Arm Tribe - Level 4

Creature - Beast Kin - 1000 Power

Harvest - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

Caius of Cloud Legion - Level 8

Creature - Skyforce Champion - 9000 Power

Double Breaker

Warbringer's Clarion - All Light creatures in your shield zone have "Shield Blast."

Cavern Snapper - Level 5

Creature - Brain Jacker - 4000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Clampdown - When this creature attacks, banish it at the end of the attack.

Change-o-bot Glu-urrgle - Level 9

Evolution Creature - Cyber Lord - 9000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Water creatures.

Double Breaker

Unleash - Name a card. Then reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal that card. Put all the revealed cards into your hand. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Charging Greatclaw - Level 4

Evolution Creature - Tusker - 6000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Nature creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Put the top card of your deck into your mana zone. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Citadel Knight - Level 7

Creature - Skyforce Champion - 7500 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Citizen Tokori - Level 4

Creature - Aquan - 3000 Power

Advocate of Water - Each of your other Water creatures gets +1000 power.

Cloudweave - Level 8


Put the top card of your deck into your shield zone face down as a new shield. If you have an evolution creature in the battle zone, put another card from the top of your deck into your shield zone face down as a new shield.

Colonel Corn - Level 5

Creature - Wild Veggie - 4000 Power

Husky - When this creature enters the battle zone, one of your other creatures gets +4000 power until the end of the turn.

Commissar Soris - Level 2

Creature - Storm Patrol - 1000 Power

Advocate of Light - Each of your other Light creatures gets +1000 power.

Convoy Runner - Level 5

Creature - Stomper - 4000 Power

Spur On - Whenever this creature attacks, one of your other creatures gets "Fast Attack" until the end of the turn. (That creature can attack on the turn it enters the battle zone.)

Creeping Heap - Level 6

Creature - Tarborg - 3000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Cryo-Nucleus - Level 6

Creature - Cyber Complex - 2000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Chill - When this creature enters the battle zone, target enemy creature can't attack or block until the start of your next turn.

Cumulofungus - Level 5

Creature - Flying Fungus - 5000 Power

Sporeburst - Whenever one of your creatures wins a battle, you may put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

Cursed Phantom - Level 5

Creature - Specter - 3000 Power

Defiled Essence - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may banish one of your other creatures. If you do, target enemy creature gets -3000 power until the end of the turn. (A creature that has power 0 or less is banished.)

Cyber Lord Wakiki - Level 6

Creature - Cyber Lord - 3000 Power

Strong Arm - When this creature enters the battle zone, enemy creatures don't untap at the start of your opponent's next turn.

Den Gorger - Level 4

Creature - Rot Worm - 4000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change on enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Ate Too Much - When this creature wins a battle, banish it.

Drakon Mercenary - Level 4

Creature - Drakon - 4000 Power

Protector (You may tap this creature to change an attack on one of your other creatures to this creature.)

Dream Pirate - Level 3

Creature - Specter - 3000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Ghostly - When this creature attacks, banish it at the end of the attack.

Dropship Commando - Level 5

Evolution Creature - Berserker - 6000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Fire creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Hit the Ground Shooting - When this creature enters the battle zone, banish target enemy creature that has power 4000 or less.

Eldritch Lightning - Level 5


Target enemy creature gets -5000 power until the end of the turn. (A creature that has power 0 or less is banished.)

Ember Adept - Level 2

Creature - Drakon - 1000 Power

Protector (You may tap this creature to change an attack on one of your other creatures to this creature.)

Purging Flames - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.

Eternity Pulse - Level 5


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Untap all your creatures. They get "Blocker" until the start of your next turn. (You may tap a creature that has "Blocker" to change an enemy creature's attack to it.)

Ethereal Agent - Level 3

Creature - Cyber Virus - 1000 Power

Snoop - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your opponent's shields and look at it.

Sneak - This creature can't be blocked.

Snag - Whenever this creature attacks, you may draw a card.

Exalarc, Grand Metachron - Level 4

Creature - Aquan - 3000 Power

Time Dynamo - Whenever this creature attacks, you may return one of your other creatures from the battle zone to your hand. If you do, reveal a number of cards from the top of your deck equal to that creature's level. Choose a spell from among the revealed cards whose level is less than or equal to that creature's level, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order. Then cast that spell for free.

Eye of Inquisition - Level 5

Creature - Battle Sphere/Dread Mask - 4500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Mortal Recoil - Whenever this creature or one of your other creatures is banished, tap target enemy creature.

Eye Spy - Level 4

Creature - Battle Sphere - 2000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Scout - When this creature enters the battle zone, look at the top 3 cards of your deck. You may reveal a creature from among them that has "Blocker" and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

Firemane Dragon - Level 5

Evolution Creature - Armored Dragon - 8000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Fire creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - All your creatures get "Fast Attack" until the end of the turn. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Flame Auger - Level 5


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

You may discard a card. If you do, banish target enemy creature that has power 7000 or less.

Flame Serpent - Level 5

Creature - Tsunami Dragon/Armored Dragon - 4000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Powerful Attack +3000 (While attacking, this creature gets +3000 power.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Volcanic Current - Your first creature that attacks each turn can't be blocked.

Flux Drone - Level 5

Creature - Fractal - 1500 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Bravo Protocol - When this creature enters the battle zone, target creature gets "Blocker" until the start of your next turn. (You may tap one of your creatures that has "Blocker" to change an enemy creature's attack to it.)

Forsaken Puppet - Level 1

Creature - Evil Toy - 2000 Power

Loose Strings - This creature enters the battle zone tapped.

Fumes - Level 4

Creature - Tarborg - 2000 Power

Stinky - When this creature enters the battle zone, your opponent chooses and discards a card.

Garrison Duty - Level 1


Target creature gets "Blocker" until the start of your next turn. (You may tap one of your creatures that has "Blocker" to change an enemy creature's attack to it.)

General Dorzim - Level 5

Evolution Creature - Skyforce Champion - 7500 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Light creatures.

Blocker, Double Breaker

Beacon of Courage - All your creatures that are level 4 or less have "Blocker."

Glare of Sanction - Level 5


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Tap all enemy creatures that have power 2000 or less.

Gloom-Hollow Taskmaster - Level 5

Evolution Creature - Shadow Champion - 7000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Darkness creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unending Servitude - When this creature enters the battle zone, return a creature from your discard pile to your hand.

Gloomlurker Drask - Level 3

Creature - Specter - 2000 Power

Advocate of Darkness - Each of your other Darkness creatures gets +1000 power.

Gobblemaw - Level 7

Creature - Earth Eater - 6000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Gorgalisk - Level 3

Creature - Chimera - 3000 Power

Grand Manipulator Agaryx - Level 8

Creature - Terror Dragon - 9000 Power

Double Breaker

Sinister Scheming - When this creature enters the battle zone, put any number of creatures that have total level 6 or less from your discard pile into the battle zone.

Grand Finale - Whenever this creature attacks, you may choose any number of your other creatures. For each creature chosen this way, this creature gets +5000 power until the end of the turn and breaks an additional shield this turn. Banish the chosen creatures.

Grasslands Goliath - Level 8

Creature - Colossus - 9000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Grave Call - Level 2


You may put the top card of your deck into your discard pile.

Return a creature from your discard pile to your hand.

Grievous Strike - Level 6


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Banish target untapped enemy creature.

Harmony Wing - Level 5

Creature - Skyforce Champion - 4000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Resonate - Whenever this creature blocks a creature that has power 2000 or less, untap this creature.

Horrific Tick - Level 3

Creature - Chimera - 5000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Evo Parasite - When this creature wins a battle, banish it if you don't have an evolution creature in the battle zone.

Horror Box - Level 5

Creature - Mimic - 2000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Chomp Chomp - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose a player. That player puts the top 2 cards of his or her deck into his or her discard pile.

Hover-Talon - Level 3

Creature - Storm Patrol - 2000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Hunter Blossom - Level 4

Creature - Tree Kin - 2000 Power

Prickle-Thorns - This creature gets +1000 power for each tapped enemy creature.

Huntmaster Taegrin - Level 4

Creature - Beast Kin - 4000 Power

Advocate of Nature - Each of your other Nature creatures gets +1000 power.

Hydro Spy - Level 4

Creature - Cyber Lord - 1000 Power

Subsea Recon - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may draw a card.

Hydrobot Nautilus - Level 3

Creature - Undertow Engine - 2000 Power

Hydrobot Scarab - Level 6

Creature - Undertow Engine/Megabug - 4000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Gathering Swarm - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may draw a card for each other creature you have in the battle zone.

Icebelly Blowfish - Level 4

Evolution Creature - Trench Hunter - 5000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Water creatures.

Unleash - Return target creature to its owner's hand. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Instill Might - Level 1


One of your creatures gets +2000 power until the end of the turn.

Ironwill Tree - Level 2

Creature - Star Sentinel - 2500 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Mind Ward - Your opponent's spells and abilities can't cause you to discard cards.

Johnny Darkseed - Level 5

Creature - Evil Toy/Tree Kin - 5000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Horrid Transplant - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may banish one of your other creatures. If you do, put the top 2 cards of your deck into your mana zone tapped.

Kalorth, Lord of Tides - Level 5

Evolution Creature - Tsunami Dragon - 8000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Water creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Evo Escape - Each time one of your evolution creatures would be banished, return it to your hand instead.

Kenina the Igniter - Level 2

Creature - Fire Bird - 1000 Power

Wings of Flame - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your other creatures. It gets "Powerful Attack +2000" until end of turn. A creature that has "Powerful Attack +2000" gets +2000 power while attacking.

Krakus the Dominator - Level 3

Creature - Berserker - 3000 Power

Daunting - All your opponent's creatures that have "Blocker" enter the battle zone tapped.

No Quarter - Each time a card would be put from your opponent's deck into his or her shield zone, that card is put into your opponent's discard pile instead.

Laser Drone - Level 3

Creature - Enforcer - 2000 Power

Follow the Leader - While at least 2 of your other creatures are tapped, this creature gets +2000 power.

Laserize - Level 3


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Banish target enemy creature that has power 3000 or less.

Lurking Skull Cutter - Level 2

Creature - Dread Mask - 1000 Power

Backstab - While attacking, this creature has "Slayer." (When it loses a battle, banish the other creature.)

Magistrate Jazuri - Level 6

Evolution Creature - Skyforce Champion - 8500 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Light creatures.

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Untap all your creatures at the end of the turn. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Magris the Magnetizer - Level 1

Creature - Enforcer - 500 Power

Megacannon Renegade - Level 3

Evolution Creature - Berserker - 4000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Fire creatures.

Unleash - This creature gets +3000 power and "Double Breaker" until the end of the turn. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Mesa Behemoth - Level 6

Evolution Creature - Colossus - 8000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Nature creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Search your deck. You may reveal a creature from it and put that creature into your hand. Then shuffle your deck. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Mind Censor - Level 5

Creature - Cyber Virus/Shadow Champion - 4000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Displace Memory - Whenever an enemy creature leaves the battle zone, your opponent chooses and discards a card.

Mind Core - Level 5


Draw 2 cards. If you have an evolution creature in the battle zone, draw another 2 cards.

Mindwrack Moth - Level 3

Creature - Brain Jacker - 1000 Power

Spell Scour - When this creature enters the battle zone, your opponent reveals his or her hand. You choose a spell from it and your opponent discards that spell.

Moss Giant - Level 6

Creature - Colossus - 7000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Mr. Smiles - Level 4

Creature - Evil Toy - 3000 Power

Happy Thoughts - Whenever this creature attacks, your opponent chooses and discards a card.

Nova Cruiser - Level 2

Evolution Creature - Storm Patrol - 4000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Light creatures.

Unleash - Tap target enemy creature. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Oblivion Knight - Level 6

Evolution Creature - Shadow Champion - 7000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Darkness creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Your opponent chooses and discards 2 cards. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Ocean Ravager - Level 6

Evolution Creature - Earth Eater - 7000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Water creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Draw 2 cards. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Outpost Sentry - Level 4

Creature - Aquan - 2000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Liquid Body - If this creature would be banished, return it to your hand instead.

Pentarc - Level 4

Creature - Mecha Thunder - 5000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Photon Weaver - Level 2

Creature - Sky Weaver - 2000 Power

Pincer-Fin - Level 3

Creature - Trench Hunter - 2000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Pouncing Crickant - Level 2

Creature - Megabug - 1000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Predatory Snapdragon - Level 5

Creature - Tree Kin - 1000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Carnivorous - When this creature enters the battle zone, put target enemy creature that has power 2000 or less from the battle zone into your opponent's mana zone.

Railgun Raptor - Level 3

Creature - Attack Raptor - 2000 Power

Powerful Attack +3000 (While attacking, this creature gets +3000 power.)

Rally Bot - Level 3

Creature - Stomper - 3000 Power

Evo Blitz - While you have an evolution creature in the battle zone, this creature has "Fast Attack" (It can attack the turn it enters the battle zone.)

Rapscallion - Level 2

Creature - Wild Veggie - 3000 Power

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Unsliceable - If this creature would be banished, put it into your mana zone instead.

Ravenous Whiptongue - Level 6

Evolution Creature - Rot Worm - 6000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Darkness creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Banish target untapped enemy creature. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Reactor Sphere - Level 6

Creature - Battle Sphere - 3500 Power

Flashbang - When this creature is banished, tap target enemy creature.

Reef Kraken - Level 5

Creature - Leviathan - 3000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Ingenuity - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may draw a card.

Regent Sasha - Level 7

Evolution Creature - Angel Command - 12500 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Light creatures.

Triple Breaker

Unleash - Until the start of your next turn, this creature can't leave the battle zone, and whenever one of your shields would be broken, you may discard a creature instead. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Relentless Vanguard - Level 2

Creature - Stomper - 3000 Power

TERMINATE - This creature attacks each turn if able.

Restless Conflagration - Level 4

Evolution Creature - Melt Warrior - 6000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Fire creatures.

Double Breaker

Unleash - Your opponent chooses one of his or her creatures that has "Blocker." Banish that creature. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Rocket Hawk - Level 5

Creature - Attack Raptor - 3000 Power

Divebomb - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may have it battle target enemy creature.

Root Trap - Level 7


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Put target enemy creature from the battle zone into your opponent's mana zone.

Safe Passage - Level 3


Choose up to 2 of your creatures. They can't be blocked this turn.

Scavenging Cenophor - Level 7

Creature - Earth Eater - 7000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Sift for Treasure - The first time you would draw a card during your turn, you may draw 3 cards instead. If you do, discard 2 cards.

Scrapheap Hunter - Level 3

Creature - Burn Belly - 1000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Verminate - When this creature enters the battle zone, banish target enemy creature that has power 1000 or less.

Scrutinize - Level 4


Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Put 2 of them into your hand and the other on the bottom of your deck.

Searing Spears - Level 6


Banish target enemy creature that has power 6000 or less. If you have an evolution creature in the battle zone, instead banish target enemy creature that has power 8000 or less.

Sentinel Orb - Level 4

Creature - Battle Sphere - 4000 Power

Sergeant Maddox - Level 3

Creature - Berserker - 2000 Power

Advocate of Fire - Each of your other Fire creatures gets +1000 power.

Shadowblade Conqueror - Level 7

Creature - Shadow Champion - 7000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Shanok, the Soul Harvester - Level 7

Evolution Creature - Specter - 7000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Darkness creatures.

Double Breaker

Unleash - All enemy creatures get -2000 power until the end of the turn. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Shock Troop - Level 4

Creature - Berserker - 2000 Power

Fast Attack (This creature can attack on the turn it enters the battle zone.)

Shore Chomper - Level 2

Evolution Creature - Earth Eater - 4000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Water creatures.

High Tide - This creature can't be blocked.

Shouter, Paragon of Nature - Level 5

Creature - Beast Kin - 5000 Power

Lead by Example - Whenever this creature attacks, if you have 5 or more creatures in the battle zone, each of your creatures gets +5000 power until the end of the turn and breaks an additional shield this turn.

Siege Dragon - Level 5

Creature - Armored Dragon - 5000 Power

Sigil of Primacy - Level 2


One of your creatures gets +3000 power until the end of the turn. If you have an evolution creature in the battle zone, instead that creature gets +5000 power until the end of the turn and breaks an additional shield this turn.

Skrap Skull - Level 2

Creature - Dread Mask - 2000 Power

Sky Shark - Level 6

Creature - Storm Patrol/Undertow Engine - 5500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Predatory Directive - All your creatures that have "Guard" or "Skirmisher" abilities can attack as though they didn't have those abilities.

Sky-Ring Captain - Level 5

Creature - Skyforce Champion - 4500 Power

Sentry Alert - At the end of each of your turns, if this creature is tapped, untap one of your other creatures.

Skybound Keeper - Level 3

Creature - Storm Patrol - 3500 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Evo Escort - While you have an evolution creature in the battle zone, this creature gets +1000 power and can attack as though it didn't have "Skirmisher."

Slagcannon Grunt - Level 4

Creature - Drakon - 3000 Power

Suppressive Blast - Whenever this creature attacks, one of your other creatures gets +3000 power until the end of the turn.

Snakebite - Level 2


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Target enemy creature gets -1000 power until the end of the turn. (A creature that has power 0 or less is banished.)

Snapping Eel - Level 4

Creature - Trench Hunter - 3000 Power

Gulp - Whenever this creature attacks, you may draw a card.

Snarling Craghorn - Level 4

Creature - Tusker - 2000 Power

Protector (You may tap this creature to change an attack on one of your other creatures to this creature.)

Fierce Stance - While battling, this creature gets +3000 power.

Solstar Commander - Level 5

Creature - Enforcer/Berserker - 5500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Incite - All your creatures that are level 3 or less have "Powerful Attack +3000." (A creature that has "Powerful Attack +3000" gets +3000 power while attacking.)

Embolden - At the end of each of your turns, untap all your creatures that are level 3 or less.

Spire Keeper - Level 2

Creature - Storm Patrol - 3000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Sprout - Level 2


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

Steadfast Vorwhal - Level 4

Creature - Leviathan - 4000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Powerful Block +2000 (While blocking, this creature gets +2000 power.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Stockade Virus - Level 3

Creature - Cyber Virus - 1000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Stratus Dart - Level 2

Creature - Storm Patrol - 1000 Power

Wingman - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may put a creature named Stratus Dart from your hand into the battle zone.

Strobe Flash - Level 4


Tap up to 2 target enemy creatures.

Sumo Artichoke - Level 8

Creature - Wild Veggie - 3000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Planted - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may tap it.

Choke Hold - Each time one of you opponent's creatures attacks, it attacks this creature if able.

Sun-Clan Tortoise - Level 3

Creature - Tusker - 1000 Power

Rouse the Ancients - When this creature enters the battle zone, search your deck. You may reveal a creature named Sun-Clan Tortoise from it and put that creature into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.

Sunstorm Dreadnought - Level 4

Evolution Creature - Storm Patrol - 6000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Light creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Supreme Dragon Bolshack - Level 9

Creature - Armored Dragon - 12000 Power

Fast Attack, Triple Breaker

Rally the Dragonflight - When this creature becomes the target of an opponent's spell or ability, search your deck. You may take a non-evolution Armored Dragon that is level 7 or less from your deck and put it into the battle zone. Then shuffle your deck.

Technoraptor - Level 4

Creature - Attack Raptor - 2000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Temporal Tinkering - Level 2


Look at the top card of your deck. You may put it on the bottom of your deck. Then draw a card.

Terror Pit - Level 7


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Banish target enemy creature.

The Arbiter - Level 7

Creature - Enforcer - 2500 Power

Shield Blast

Hand of Judgement - When this creature enters the battle zone, tap up to 2 target enemy creatures.

Thought Collective - Level 3


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Look at the top 5 cards of your deck. Put one of them into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

Thunderaxe Shaman - Level 4

Creature - Berserker/Beast Kin - 4000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Might of Steel - Whenever one of your creatures wins a battle, all your creatures get "Powerful Attack +2000" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has "Powerful Attack +2000" gets +2000 power while attacking.)

Might of Oak - All your creatures that have power 6000 or more have "Double Breaker." (A creature that has "Double Breaker" breaks 2 shields.)

Thundering Clap - Level 3


Banish target enemy creature that has "Blocker."

All your creatures get "Powerful Attack +1000" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has "Powerful Attack +1000" gets +1000 power while attacking.)

Tide Angler - Level 2

Creature - Trench Hunter - 1000 Power

Tide Seer - Level 2

Creature - Aquan - 1000 Power

Read the Shells - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may draw a card. If you do, discard a card.

Torhelm, Stomper Elite - Level 2

Evolution Creature - Stomper - 5000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Fire creatures.

Adaptive Weaponry - This creature can attack untapped creatures on the turn it enters the battle zone.

Counterstrike - Whenever this creature becomes the target of an opponent's spell or ability, this creature breaks one of your opponent's shields.

Tornado Flame - Level 5


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Banish target enemy creature that has power 5000 or less.

Trox the Merciless - Level 7

Evolution Creature - Shadow Champion - 11000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Darkness creatures.

Double Breaker

Unleash - Name a card. Banish all enemy creatures that have that name. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Underworld Stalker - Level 4

Creature - Shadow Champion - 4000 Power


Unrelenting - You may summon this creature from your discard pile.

Bone Spurs - Each time a creature would be put into your opponent's discard pile from anywhere, your opponent puts that creature on the bottom of his or her deck instead.

Veil Bubble - Level 2


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Return target creature that has power 4000 or less from the battle zone to its owner's hand.

Venomancer - Level 4

Creature - Specter - 1000 Power

Snakebite Chain - When this creature enters the battle zone, one of your creatures gets "Slayer" until the end of the turn. (When that creature loses a battle, banish the other creature.)

Vile Reanimator - Level 6

Creature - Zombie - 4000 Power

Gift of Undeath - When this creature enters the battle zone, return a creature from your discard pile to your hand.

Vine Bind - Level 4


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Put target enemy creature that has power 4000 or less from the battle zone into your opponent's mana zone.

Violet Puffer - Level 3

Creature - Flying Fungus - 2000 Power

Spore Seeds - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may put a card from your hand into your mana zone.

Voksa, Herd Matriarch - Level 7

Creature - Tusker - 7000 Power

Double Breaker

Primal Bond - Whenever this creature attacks, you may put a non-evolution Nature creature from your hand into the battle zone.

Volcano Trooper - Level 5

Creature - Berserker - 4000 Power

Stoked - Whenever an enemy creature leaves the battle zone, this creature gets "Powerful Attack +2000" and "Double Breaker" until the end of the turn. (It gets +2000 power while attacking and breaks 2 shields.)

Warchief Kyo - Level 6

Creature - Berserker - 2000 Power

Shield Blast

Test of Might - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may have one of your creatures battle target enemy creature.

Warmaster Tatsurion - Level 6

Evolution Creature - Armored Dragon/Beast Kin - 9000 Power

Evolution - Put on one of your Fire creatures.

Double Breaker

Unleash - Untap this creature. (To use a creature's "Unleash" ability, put a card from under it into your discard pile when it attacks.)

Wave Spears - Level 5


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Draw 2 cards. Then discard a card. You may return target creature that is the same level as the discarded card from the battle zone to its owner's hand.

Whirlpool Warden - Level 3

Creature - Aquan - 3000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Evo Bond - If this creature would be banished while you have an evolution creature in the battle zone, return this creature to your hand instead.

Woolly Tusker - Level 3

Creature - Tusker - 2000 Power

Evo Brawn - While you have an evolution creature in the battle zone, this creature gets +2000 power and can't be blocked by creatures that have less power than it.

Wreck Mech - Level 2

Creature - Stomper - 2000 Power

Zombie Backhoe - Level 3

Creature - Zombie/Stomper - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Wrecking Crew - Whenever a player discards a card, one of your creatures gets "Powerful Attack +3000" and "Double Breaker" until the end of the turn. (It gets +3000 power while attacking and breaks 2 shields.)