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Abyssal Engulfer - Level 5

Creature - Void Spawn/Leviathan - 4000 Power

Reprocess - Whenever this creature attacks, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, each player may choose up to 2 cards in his or her discard pile and put them on the bottom of his or her deck. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Air Warden Prickleback - Level 5

Creature - Beast Kin/Megabug - 6000 Power

Protector (You may tap this creature to change an attack on one of your other creatures to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Crusader - While battling a Void Spawn, this creature gets +5000 power.

Resettle - Whenever this creature wins a battle, you may put a card from your mana zone into your hand or on top of your deck.

Alcadeus, Vengeance Archon - Level 2

Evolution Creature - Skyforce Champion/Shadow Champion - 6500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Light and/or Darkness creatures.

Double Breaker

Unleash - Check the card you unleashed this creature with. If the card was Light, tap all enemy creatures. If the card was Darkness, banish target tapped enemy creature.

Ambassador Corile - Level 5

Creature - Cyber Lord - 4000 Power

Clash Tactics - While revealed for a clash, this card is level 10.

Perceptive - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may draw a card.

Anguished Haunt - Level 2

Creature - Specter - 3000 Power

Soul Toll - At the end of each of your turns, if this creature attacked this turn, banish one of your creatures.

Apocalypse Knight - Level 4

Evolution Creature - Shadow Champion/Colossus - 6000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Darkness and/or Nature creatures.

Double Breaker

Unleash - Check the card you unleashed this creature with. If the card was Darkness, each enemy creature gets -2000 power until the end of the turn. If the card was Nature, each of your creatures gets +2000 power until the end of the turn and can't be blocked this turn by creatures that have less power than it.

Arcane Glider - Level 3

Creature - Storm Patrol - 2000 Power

Spell Currents - Whenever you cast a spell, this creature gets +2000 power until the end of the turn.

Blade Spawn - Level 2

Creature - Void Spawn/Drakon - 2000 Power

Swift Slash - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, this creature gets "Fast Attack" until the end of the turn. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Blazing Skyrider Valko - Level 4

Creature - Burn Belly - 3000 Power

Let's Go! - When this creature enters the battle zone, if you have at least 2 other creatures in the battle zone, this creature gets "Fast Attack" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has "Fast Attack" can attack on the turn it enters the battle zone.)

Briar Pit - Level 5


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Put target enemy creature that has power 3000 or less from the battle zone into your opponent's mana zone. If it's your turn, instead put target enemy creature that has power 6000 or less from the battle zone into your opponent's mana zone.

Caustic Tachavore - Level 6

Creature - Void Spawn/Earth Eater - 6000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Cover of Chaos - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, each of your creatures can't be blocked this turn. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Chief Headstrong Wanderer - Level 5

Creature - Beast Kin - 5000 Power

Clash Tactics - While revealed for a clash, this card is level 10.

Harvest - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

Citadel Cruiser - Level 5

Creature - Storm Patrol - 4500 Power

Evasive Maneuvers - When this creature enters the battle zone, if you have 2 or fewer shields, tap target enemy creature.

Cloudworm - Level 4

Creature - Storm Patrol/Rot Worm - 2500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Ionize - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one:

  • Tap target enemy creature.
  • Return a creature from your discard pile to your hand.

Cybear - Level 3

Creature - Cyber Lord/Beast Kin - 2000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Enhanced Instincts - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one:

  • Choose one of your creatures. It can't be blocked this turn.
  • One of your other creatures gets +3000 power until the end of the turn.

Cybermech - Level 4

Creature - Cyber Lord/Stomper - 1000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Scouting Mission - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one:

  • One of your other creatures gets "Powerful Attack +3000" until the end of the turn.
  • Draw a card.

Cybertech Restraints - Level 2


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Until the start of your next turn, target enemy creature can't break shields.

Darkwood Tribe - Level 3

Creature - Rot Worm/Beast Kin - 3000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Shadow Harvest - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one:

  • Target enemy creature gets -1000 power until the end of the turn.
  • Put a card from your hand into your mana zone.

Deflector Pod - Level 2

Creature - Enforcer - 2500 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Rousing Pulse - Whenever this creature blocks, you may untap one of your creatures that doesn't have "Blocker".

Disaster Drone - Level 4

Creature - Invader - 4000 Power

Erupting Caveworm - Level 7

Creature - Rot Worm - 6000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Slayer (When this creature loses a battle, banish the other creature.)

Tunnel Network - Each time this creature would be banished, you may put it on the top of your deck instead.

Essence Boar - Level 3

Creature - Tusker - 2000 Power

Trapper (When a creature wins a battle against this creature, put that creature into your opponent's mana zone.)

Feathered Malteel - Level 6

Creature - Void Spawn/Skyforce Champion - 5500 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Stunning Appearance - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, tap target enemy creature. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Flutterbug - Level 2

Creature - Megabug - 2000 Power

Chromatic Wings - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one of your creatures. It can't be blocked this turn by creatures that have less power than it.

Furnace Crawler - Level 7

Evolution Creature - Rot Worm/Stomper - 8000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Darkness and/or Fire creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Check the card you unleashed this creature with. If the card was Darkness, target enemy creature gets -4000 power until the end of the turn. If the card was Fire, banish target enemy creature that has power 5000 or less.

General Marnik - Level 4

Evolution Creature - Enforcer/Beast Kin - 7000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Light and/or Nature creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Check the card you unleashed this creature with. If the card was Light, cast a spell in your discard pile for free, then put that spell on the bottom of your deck. If the card was Nature, reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal a non-evolution creature. Put that creature into the battle zone and shuffle the rest into your deck.

Glorious Inferno Dragon - Level 7

Evolution Creature - Skyforce Champion/Armored Dragon - 12000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Light and/or Fire creatures.

Triple Breaker

Unleash - Check the card you unleashed this creature with. If the card was Light, all your creatures get +3000 power until the end of the turn, and at the end of your turn, untap them. If the card was Fire, banish all enemy creatures that have "Blocker".

Graveyard Tunneler - Level 3

Creature - Void Spawn/Rot Worm - 2000 Power

Void Maw - Whenever this creature attacks, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, return a creature from your discard pile to your hand. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Guacamole Gunner - Level 8

Creature - Wild Veggie - 2000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Snack Attack - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may banish it. If you do, put target untapped enemy creature from the battle zone into your opponent's mana zone.

Haven's Counsel - Level 8

Creature - Skyforce Champion - 6000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Opening Defense - If you have 2 or more creatures in the battle zone that have "Blocker", tap 4 fewer mana cards to summon this creature.

Havoc Sphere - Level 4

Creature - Void Spawn/Battle Sphere - 4000 Power

Mystic Mayhem - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may clash with your opponent. if you won the clash, you may cast a spell that is level 5 or less from your hand for free. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Hoverstar - Level 8

Creature - Fractal - 2000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Skirmisher (This creature can attack only creatures.)

Contingency Code - When this creature becomes tapped for the first time each turn, untap all your other creatures that have "Blocker".

Justicar Arcanix - Level 6

Creature - Mecha Thunder - 6000 Power

Blocker, Double Breaker

Spellslinger - You may tap 2 fewer mana cards to cast spells. Each time you cast a spell this way, tap at least 1 mana card to cast it.

Arcane Blast - All spells in your shield zone have "Shield Blast".

King Arboreus - Level 5

Evolution Creature - Leviathan/Colossus - 9000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Water and/or Nature creatures.

Double Breaker

Unleash - Check the card you unleashed this creature with. If the card was Water, draw 2 cards. If that card was Nature, you may put a non-evolution creature that is level 6 or less from your hand into the battle zone.

Leaping Hissy - Level 5

Creature - Dune Gecko - 3000 Power

Clash Tactics - While revealed for a clash, this creature is level 10.

Tuck and Roll - When this creature enters the battle zone, your opponent may choose and banish one of his or her creatures that has "Blocker". If he or she doesn't, this creature breaks one of your opponent's shields.

Lightning Legionnaire - Level 3

Creature - Storm Patrol/Stomper - 1500 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Blaster Boots - When this creature enters the battle zone, choose one:

  • This creature gets "Fast Attack" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has "Fast Attack" can attack on the turn it enters the battle zone.)
  • At the end of the turn, untap one of your creatures.

Logos Curator - Level 4

Creature - Cyber Virus - 3000 Power

Wreckage Scan - When this creature enters the battle zone, if you have a spell in your discard pile, you may draw a card.

Mad Molder - Level 3

Creature - Tarborg - 3000 Power

Magmablast Mammoth - Level 4

Evolution Creature - Stomper/Beast Kin - 8000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Fire and/or Nature creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Check the card you unleashed this creature with. If the card was Fire, one of your creatures gets +7000 power while battling this turn. If the card was Nature, one of your creatures battles target enemy creature.

Mana Lightning - Level 3


Whenever one of your creatures attacks this turn, you may put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

Master of the Graves - Level 8

Creature - Shadow Champion - 6000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Essence Blade - If you have 2 or more creatures in your discard pile, tap 4 fewer mana cards to summon this creature.

Metroplex Sentry - Level 4

Creature - Aquan - 5000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Might of Titans - Level 5


One of your creatures gets +9000 power until the end of the turn.

Mind Matrix - Level 3


Whenever one of your creatures attacks this turn, you may draw a card.

Mutant Void Ant - Level 3

Creature - Void Spawn/Megabug - 3000 Power

Ravenous Army - Whenever this creature attacks, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, one of your creatures gets +3000 power until the end of the turn. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Nimbus, Regent's Envoy - Level 5

Creature - Enforcer - 4000 Power

Clash Tactics - While revealed for a clash, this card is level 10.

Strobe Pulse - When this creature enters the battle zone, tap target enemy creature.

Nivarex the Unquenchable - Level 6

Evolution Creature - Leviathan/Armored Dragon - 11000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Water and/or Fire creatures.

Double Breaker

Unleash - Check the card you unleashed this creature with. If the card was Water, each of your creatures can't be blocked this turn. If that card was Fire, each of your creatures gets "Powerful Attack +5000" until the end of the turn and breaks an additional shield this turn.

Octolith - Level 8

Creature - Earth Eater - 6000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Arcanite Core - If you have 2 or more spells in your discard pile, tap 4 fewer mana cards to summon this creature.

Phantom Necromancer - Level 6

Creature - Specter - 2000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Shadows of the Past - When this creature enters the battle zone, your opponent chooses a creature in your discard pile, and you return that creature to your hand.

Photon Snare - Level 6


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Tap target enemy creature. If it's your turn, instead tap 2 target enemy creatures.

Pyrotech Warrior - Level 4

Creature - Void Spawn/Berserker - 4000 Power

Void Flame - Whenever this creature attacks, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, banish target enemy creature that has power 2000 or less. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Ragestrike Dragon - Level 8

Creature - Armored Dragon - 6000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Sense Victory - If your opponent has 3 or fewer shields, tap 4 fewer mana cards to summon this creature.

Ramis the Duskwalker - Level 4

Evolution Creature - Cyber Lord/Shadow Champion - 8000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Water and/or Darkness creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Check the card you unleashed this creature with. If the card was Water, draw 2 cards, then discard a card. If the card was Darkness, put a non-evolution creature that is level 5 or less from your discard pile into the battle zone.

Renegade Hero Finbarr - Level 5

Creature - Cyber Lord - 4000 Power


Marshalling Presence - Whenever you summon a creature that has "Guard", you may draw a card.

Final Directive - All your creatures that have "Guard" can attack as though they didn't have that ability.

Shrewd Scheme - At the end of each of your turns, look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Put one of them on top of your deck. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

Rocket Mine - Level 3


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Banish target enemy creature that has power 2000 or less. If it's your turn, instead banish target creature that has power 4000 or less.

Shagathar the Voidreacher - Level 7

Creature - Void Spawn/Armored Dragon - 5000 Power

Fast Attack (This creature can attack on the turn it enters the battle zone.)

Maw of the Vortex - Whenever this creature attacks, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, you may put a non-evolution Void Spawn from your hand into the battle zone.

Shredmobile - Level 2

Creature - Stomper - 1000 Power

Ripsaws - Whenever this creature is attacked, it gets +2000 power until the end of the turn.

Spark of Hunger - Level 2


Each of your creatures gets +2000 power until the end of the turn.

Whenever you clash this turn, each of your creatures gets +2000 power until the end of the turn.

Spawning Shaman - Level 6

Creature - Void Spawn/Beast Kin - 4000 Power

Void Chant - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, you may put a non-evolution creature that is level 4 or less from your hand into the battle zone. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Spell Rend - Level 2


Your opponent reveals his or her hand. You choose a spell from it and your opponent discards that card.

Spellsworn Paladin - Level 4

Evolution Creature - Enforcer/Aquan - 6000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Light and/or Water creatures.

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Unleash - Check the card you unleashed this creature with. If the card was Light, return a spell from your discard pile to your hand. If the card was Water, you may cast a spell that is level 7 or less from your hand for free.

Spiketail Buccaneer - Level 3

Creature - Drakon - 2000 Power

Powerful Attack +2000 (While attacking, this creature gets +2000 power.)

Spiteful Razorkinder - Level 5

Creature - Evil Toy - 3000 Power

Clash Tactics - While revealed for a clash, this card is level 10.

Nightmare Blades - When this creature enters the battle zone, your opponent chooses and discards a card.

Stitched Spawn - Level 3

Creature - Void Spawn/Evil Toy - 2000 Power

Trigger Happy - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, one of your creatures gets "Slayer" until the end of the turn. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Taunting Flames - Level 2


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Until the start of your next turn, target creature gets "Powerful Attack +3000" and attacks if able. (A creature that has "Powerful Attack +3000" gets +3000 power while attacking.)

Thought Adept - Level 3

Creature - Cyber Lord - 1000 Power

Brainpower - Whenever you draw a card, this card gets +2000 power until the end of the turn.

Tinkerer Tivster - Level 2

Creature - Void Spawn/Cyber Lord - 1000 Power

Foil Fate - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash and have at least one shield, put one of them into your hand, then put a card from your hand into your shield zone face down as a new shield. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Titan Caller - Level 3

Creature - Beast Kin - 2000 Power

Bestial Roar - When this creature enters the battle zone, look at the top 3 cards of your deck. You may reveal a creature from among them that has power 6000 or more and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

Torchwake Dragon - Level 7

Creature - Armored Dragon - 6000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Fists of Fury - This creature can attack tapped creatures on the turn it enters the battle zone.

Wild Charge - Whenever this creature attacks, put a card from your hand on top of your deck.

Tripwire Teleport - Level 3


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Return target creature that has power 4000 or less from the battle zone to its owner's hand. If it's your turn, instead return target creature that has power 6000 or less from the battle zone to its owner's hand.

Tuber Tribe - Level 5

Creature - Wild Veggie - 4000 Power

Protector (You may tap this creature to change an attack on one of your other creatures to this creature.)

Unmashable - If this creature would be banished, put it into your mana zone instead.

Twisted Vicejaw - Level 4

Creature - Void Spawn/Stomper - 3000 Power

Void Charge - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, one of your other creatures gets "Powerful Attack +5000" until the end of your turn. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Ultimate Tatsurion - Level 8

Evolution Creature - Armored Dragon/Beast Kin - 24000 Power

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Fire and/or Nature creatures.

World Breaker (This creature breaks all your opponent's shields.)

Hold Nothing Back! - When this creature enters the battle zone, each of your other creatures can't be blocked this turn while attacking creatures and can attack untapped creatures this turn as though they were tapped.

Unforge - Level 6


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Your opponent chooses one of his or her evolution creatures in the battle zone. Banish that creature.

Unhinged Mimic - Level 5

Creature - Mimic - 4000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)

Creepy - When this creature enters the battle zone, target enemy creature gets -1000 power until the end of the turn. (A creature that has power 0 or less is banished.)

Vang, the Restless Plague - Level 6

Creature - Void Spawn/Shadow Champion - 6000 Power

Double Breaker

Void Rend - When this creature enters the battle zone and whenever it attacks, target enemy creature gets -3000 power until the end of your turn. Then you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, each enemy creature gets -1000 power until the end of the turn.

Veil Rift - Level 3


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. You may reveal any number of creatures from among them that each have power 6000 or more and put them into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

Virulent Worm - Level 6

Creature - Rot Worm - 4000 Power

Slayer (When this creature loses a battle, banish the other creature.)

Void Primogen - Level 4

Creature - Void Spawn/Shadow Champion - 4000 Power

Dark Conscription - When this creature enters the battle zone, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, put a non-evolution creature that is level 4 or less from your discard pile into the battle zone. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Void Trap - Level 6


Shield Blast (Instead of putting this spell into your hand from a broken shield, you may cast it for free.)

Target creature gets -3000 power until the end of the turn. If it's your turn, instead that creature gets -6000 power until the end of the turn.

Volt Striker - Level 3

Creature - Void Spawn/Enforcer - 2500 Power

Energizing Surge - Whenever this creature attacks, you may clash with your opponent. If you won the clash, one of your creatures gets +1000 power until the end of the turn, and untap it at the end of the turn. (To clash, each player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then puts it on the bottom. You win if your card had the same or higher level.)

Warlord Titan - Level 8

Creature - Colossus - 4000 Power

Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Titan's Call - If you have 3 or more creatures in the battle zone, tap 4 fewer mana cards to summon this creature.

Warped Seeray - Level 6

Creature - Corrupted/Undertow Engine - 2000 Power

Shield Blast (Instead of putting this creature into your hand from a broken shield, you may summon it for free.)

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Anticipation Equation - When this creature enters the battle zone and whenever it attacks, look at the top card of your deck. You may put that card on the bottom of your deck.

Watchbot Brawler - Level 5

Creature - Stomper - 5000 Power

Protector (You may tap this creature to change an attack on one of your other creatures to this creature.)

Waterway Watcher - Level 1

Creature - Undertow Engine - 1000 Power

Blocker (You may tap this creature to change an enemy creature's attack to this creature.)

Powerful Block +2000 (While blocking, this creature gets +2000 power.)

Guard (This creature can't attack.)