Card Details

Illus.: Jakub Kasper

Ulphonas, Fiendish Overlord

Level: 5 Type: Evolution Creature Civilization: Light / Darkness
Power: 8500 Race: Invader/Dread Mask
Card Text:

(This card enters your mana zone tapped.)

Vortex Evolution - Put on 2 of your Light and/or Darkness creatures.

Double Breaker

Abduct - Whenever this creature attacks, if your opponent has more creatures in the battle zone than you, your opponent chooses one of his or her creatures in the battle zone. Banish that creature.

Force Field - Whenever this creature attacks, if your opponent has more shields than you, put the top card of your deck into your shield zone face down as a new shield.

Set Rarity Card Number
Vortex (15VTX) S6
Category Keywords: Removal, Shield Gain, Vortex Evolution